Help Save a Life Today
Your donations go to our core program: training dogs and clients to create life-saving partnerships! Our small paid staff and tribe of volunteers do everything they can to maximize the impact of your donations. To help NICST fulfill its mission to empower, transform, and save lives in our growing community, please support us! Thank you!
Other Ways to Give
- The United Way’s Combined Federal Campaign: Give to NICST through the largest and most successful workplace giving campaign in the world.
- AmazonSmile: Use AmazonSmile (choose “Dogs For Diabetics” as your charity of choice) to shop online and a portion of your sale will be donated back to NICST!
- Recycle Cans for Canines: Contact us to schedule drop-off of your clean and sorted recyclables!
- Save Pennies for Puppies: Pick up a NICST savings bank to collect loose change at your home, work, or school.
- Donate your Car, Truck, Boat, RV or Motorcycle: Please designate us as your charity of choice when you gift your unneeded vehicle and receive a tax deduction!
- Spearhead your own NICST Fundraiser: Our dedicated community loves supporting us in local events and campaigns. Please contact NICST to collaborate!
Send us a check at:
National Institute for Canine Service and Training (NICST)
1300-B Willow Pass Court
Concord, CA 94520-2611