

DOB: 6/24/23
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Career-Changed from: Pacific Assistance Dogs
Training Phase: A
Scent Training Phase: 0
Learn about our training phases and scent training phases.

Fun Facts:

Carissa joins us thanks to our partnership with IBC host organization, Pacific Assistance Dogs. We are so excited to have her join our programs.

Carissa’s Journey

Active Training

Placement with Client

Ready for Graduation

Working Life-Saver

Carissa’s Updates

Training Status Update: 6/3/24

Carissa spent the morning in San Francisco playing an outdoor puzzle game with her handler.




Training Status Update: 4/1/24

Carissa has gone into the prison for a rotation to work with the program trainers.






Training Status Update: 2/13/24

Carissa is on a puppy sit exploring different environments and going on adventures.






Training Status Update: 12/19/23

Carissa is learning how to properly play with other dogs and has officially been given the OK to go on socialization outings.






Training Status Update: 9/13/23

Welcome Carissa






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