

DOB: 9/17/2022
Breed: Golden Retriever
Career-Changed from: Private
Scent Training Phase: 0
Learn about our training phases and scent training phases.

Fun Facts:

Cali is a total sweetheart and will join our Paws with a Mission program. She loves to sniff, play, and run around with the other dogs in training.

Cali’s Journey

Active Training

Placement with Client

Ready for Graduation

Working Life-Saver

Cali’s Updates

Training Status Update:7/6/24

Cali has completed her scent training. While she is waiting for placement, she will continue to come in for training to maintain her skills







Training Status Update:6/4/24

 Cali has entered into her final scent testing phase.

(check out the video)



Training Status Update: 4/1/24

Cali has been “paroled” and has entered into formal scent training!

Cali began her scent training. She is quick to pick up on the target odor and enthusiastically searches the room.






Training Status Update: 2/13/24

Cali spent a few weeks with one of our experienced puppy raisers and is participating in the current agency class.





Training Status Update: 7/6/23

Welcome Cali






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