

DOB: 4/20/23
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Career-Changed from: Guide Dogs of America
Scent Training Phase: 0
Learn about our training phases and scent training phases.

Fun Facts:

Kimber is a bundle of joy , she comes to us from our partnership with IBC and Guide Dogs of America.

Kimber’s Journey

Active Training

Placement with Client

Ready for Graduation

Working Life-Saver

Kimber’s Updates

Training Status Update: 6/3/24

We call Kimber the little jumping bean. She jumps over the scent buckets like a bunny





Training Status Update: 4/20/24

Happy 1st Birthday to #NICST puppy-in-training, Kimber!





Training Status Update: 4/1/23

Kimber has gone into the prison for a rotation to work with the program trainers there





Training Status Update: 12/19/23

Kimber recently went with her puppy raiser to Tahoe where she was introduced to sand and snow. She found she didn’t like the sand so much, but enjoyed the snow!





Training Status Update: 9/17/23

After getting her last series of vaccinations, Kimber is beginning to go on socialization outings with her raiser. She was introduced to open stairs, automatic doors, and attended a group puppy raiser outing to a BART platform.



Training Status Update: 7/10/23

We welcome Kimber to the puppy raising program. Kimber is an active little girl that already has a mind for learning new skills






Training Status Update: 7/1/23

We look forward to all Kimber’s adventures with her raiser Kristina.




Training Status Update: 6/30/23

Great story about Kimber, her name was chosen by raffle winners Bristol and Dominic at our annual Walk this year, held Saturday June 17th.




Training Status Update: 6/30/23

Welcome Kimber




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